More Info on EMFs

We are becoming more and more aware of EMFs. Knowing what they are, the symptoms, and how to protect them is why you need More Info on EMFs.

While some studies indicate that being exposed to EMFs may increase the risks of leukemia, brain cancer, and breast cancer in both adults and children, other studies have not identified a link between EMFs and cancer or have found insufficient evidence to support it. Further study is needed to figure out the potential dangers of EMF exposure. Which is why we continue to look for more INFO.

Problematic Symptoms you might experience are noted below.

Some people who are sensitive to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) may experience symptoms such as headaches, particularly tension headaches along the sides of the head and in the temple area, heart palpitations, chest tightness, skin burning, redness, rashes, tingling, particularly on the face and arms. Insomnia and other sleep-related disorders, depression, decreased appetite, nausea, and problems with the digestive tract are all possibilities.

All of those symptoms would make you feel miserable every waking day. And although you might have those similar symptoms, they could also be tied to something entirely different. I highly suggest you consult your primary care if you ever feel discomfort with such. Because we don’t know what we don’t know, is exactly why we need More Info on EMFs.

Here are some actions you can take to prevent EMF exposure:

Awesome Tips!

  • As much as possible try to avoid Wi-Fi. That means avoiding working directly on a laptop or using a wireless network (wi-fi) at home or at work.
  • Get rid of your old box TVs. Use a liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor or TV instead.
  • Don’t have your seat right next to any GFIs, or electrical outlets; the same goes for the cords.
  • Cut down the time with your phone usage, especially for children.
  • Power your phones off at night.

This Day in Age…..

Our current scenario is usually referred to as the technological times. The vast majority of people nowadays, regardless of their age or gender, have their very own smartphone. And also are continuously in possession of a variety of electronic gadgets, including tablets, laptops, desktop computers, personal radios, and televisions, as well as the electrical equipment required to run each of these devices. In addition to this, each and every one of them releases electromagnetic fields, the presence of which is detrimental to human health. So the More Info on EMFs and how to protect ourselves, the better off we all are.

Negative Energy into Positive Energy!

We cannot alter our energy field. We generate negative energy, that is uncontrollable.  Nonetheless, we can balance our Minds and Spirits and maintain positive energy. Life today is stressful and have trouble sleeping. That is why I have my zlēm® “SNAP” before I lay down for bed. Having dreams was non-existent for me, personally, due to lack of sleep. Now I wake up peacefully and rested.

More importantly, I faithfully put on my tuün™ RESONATE every day to help protect me from any potential harm.