
Coffee is an excellent start to your morning, and it just got better with this new genius biohacking liquid mixed with it. It not only intensifies, but it also helps you lose weight. Coffee is the number one beverage served with breakfast, although you can mix it with tea or your choice of beverage. Or just down it. This biohacking “SNAP” takes inches away and puts that extra pep in your step. So get your cup of mojo and get motivated for your day.

plôs® THERMO: This is the motivator for weight loss. Take this with a cup of coffee for more caffeine. A caffeinated beverage, coffee, tea, or both. This dramatically suppresses our appetites! You might wish to set a timer to ensure that you don’t forget to have lunch. Also, it boosts your energy while burning unwanted fat! This is the ideal weight loss combination with  zlēm®  for fantastic results. 

plôs® THERMO
coffee and wine

Want to Hear the Lifestyle Benefit of this?

You are free to eat anything you want; you are not required to calculate calories or eat bird food. We mix genuine superb wines with our favorite foods as well. These Bio-Hacking Products are also helping us lose weight. Also, after using all six of these amazing bio-hacking products, our appetite is less intense, and we eat more moderately-sized meals. Boosting our success as a result.

We enjoy coffee and wine every day and are certain that our Bio Hacking “Snaps” will enable us to live a happy life.

Here are Five more “Additional” Incredible Bio-Hacking Solutions, all improving and enriching our lives. These are listed alphabetically below, along with information about the issues they will address. Amazing doesn’t even begin to describe how these work!

brān®: This is a focus and memory enhancer with fast results. The awesome part is within minutes of taking this “SNAP,” you will instantly be happier. While your brain fog appears to vanish and your mental focus feels wonderful, you also become more alert. They come in different flavors. I take the caramel macchiato first thing in the morning. It helps with ADHD and Attention Issues to keep focused as well. This has been Life Changing because of brān® I no longer consume dangerous Energy Drinks or take the five-hour energy boosters. I am so glad we found this!


Learn How To Be in a State of Flow with brān®️ Reimagined! from Velovita Official on Vimeo.

byōm™️: This promotes gut health. And a great necessity for all of us. Good things come when you take care of your gut. You feel better, eat and digest food better, and your body works less while feeling better! You require gut health if you eat to maintain a balanced metabolism of the food you consume. Particularly for individuals who are lugging around excess “Unwanted Fat,” this is a game-changer. Excellent assistance with weight optimization!


tuün™ RESONATE: This is the universal wearable “SOLUTION” against EMF pollution. You require this if you are a human living in modern civilization. For us to be at an optimal frequency, it helps us ground to the earth. We are experiencing astounding reductions in stress, weariness, and headaches. Also, we are observing improvements in mood, sleep quality, mobility, balance, and posture. Everyone needs this. Once you research this solution, you’ll want everyone you love and care about to wear it.


uüth™: With this incredible “SNAP,” we have found the Fountain of Youth. Take this once to twice daily to help slow down and even reverse the effects of aging. My wrinkles are becoming better and better! As we age, we take uüth™ and look younger every day. This is excellent since it strengthens the body’s joints and bones. For all of us, liquid collagen in its purest forms is a potent biohacking approach. 


And now, when we lay our heads down to sleep, we can again enjoy our dreams’ peacefulness.

zlēm®: This is the best sleep aid available. This encourages weight loss and sleep. If you have extra “undesired fat” and “unwanted inches from unwanted fat,” this is your best friend. It is also our most often-used Bio-Hacking Solution. Sleeping sufficiently is essential. zlēm® promotes deeper sleep; while asleep, our bodies use “Stored Fat” to rejuvenate. The “SLIM” effect is INCREDIBLE after a few weeks or months of constant use!

To add the cherry on top, give these biohacks a try to induce sleep:

  1. Keep the bedroom at the right temperature.
  2. Manage body temperature before bedtime.
  3. Manage air quality while sleeping.
  4. Breathe correctly while asleep.
  5. Use the right mattress and bed linen.
  6. Reduce Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF).
  7. Turn out the lights and lower the heat.
  8. Ditch the TV and other electronic devices in the bedroom.
  9. Take a warm bath or shower just before bed.
  10. This is usually the tough one for most, POWER OFF PHONES!

Your Life Will Transform As a Result of These Six Bio Hacking Solutions!

Even if you might not be like me, all SIX of these biohacking solutions have significantly altered my life. “Everyone and Anybody” needs at least two of these solutions.

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You can go to any of the Products Above for more Comprehensive Information And Details.

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